HSC Subject List With HSC Subject Code List

HSC subject list and all subject codes at a glance. HSC science group, humanities group, commerce group subject list. And subject code of the HSC science group, humanities group, the commerce group. Get the right one which you need all from the below. we are about what will happen if you get the wrong information. Here we are trying to provide you the right information. Every student should know their all option for taking the right choice. Take a look at HSC subject board challenges.

HSC subjects for all groups

After completing your SSC program, It’s time to start your HSC program. Now at this moment first students primarily select their desire college. When you admit your desire to college and select the desired group. After admitting desire college with the desired group. It’s time for subject selection. It is very important for all student subject selecting. Subject selection has a great role to make a great result. For this, you should know about your all options for your perfect selection.

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HSC Subjects for Science Group

For the students who chose their section as science group. Well, come for those students. You are the future scientist. One of you will invent something which is helpful for the world. At this time you should be aware of your subject selection. Hope that you know about the next subject selection. I trying to help to provide a piece of information. We will be thankful if this information will come a little bit essential for you.

Science group students have to take any three subjects from the HSC compulsory subject list and subject code as a compulsory subject. As usual, students who want to be a doctor. For this type of student as usual take Physics, chemistry, and Biology as compulsory subjects.

This type of student must have chemistry, and Biology subject as a major subject. And take three subjects as a major subject with chemistry and biology. Take it easy, in our country student who wants to be a doctor. This type of student as usual takes Physics, Chemistry, and Biology subjects as a major.

Students who want to be engineers. For those students as usual take Physics, Chemistry, and Higher math as a major subject. Engineering students must need Higher math and physics subject. Don’t be a worry about the subject select take it an easy dud.


Common Subjects List For both Group

The common subject list for all groups is given below. These subjects are the Common subject for the HSC students. All the best. Also, we are providing the subject code. At a glance at the common subject list with the subject code.

Subject Name Subject Code
Bangla 1st paper 101
Bangla 2nd paper 102
English 1st Paper 107
English 2nd Paper 108
Information and Communication Technology 275

Compulsory Subjects List For Science Group

The compulsory subject list for the science group is given below. Take any three or four for a major subject. All the best. Also, we are providing the subject code. At a glance at the science group compulsory subject list with the subject code.

Subject NameSubject Code
Physics (Theoretical) 1st paper174
Physics (Theoretical) 2nd paper175
Chemistry (Theoretical) 1st Paper176
Chemistry (Theoretical) 2nd Paper177
Biology or Higher Math 
Biology (Theoretical) 1st Paper178
Biology (Theoretical) 2nd Paper179
Higher Maths 1st Paper 265
Higher Maths 1st Paper266

Optional Subjects List For Science Group

One thing is that optional subject help that students want to be a scientist. I think every student has a favorite subject. As every subject of science group comparatively harder than another group. At a glance science group optional subject list and also subject code.

Subject NameSubject Code
Biology (Theoretical) 1st Paper178
Biology (Theoretical) 2nd Paper179
Higher Maths 1st Paper 265
Higher Maths 2nd Paper 266
Agriculture Education (Theoretical) 1st Paper239
Agriculture Education (Theoretical) 2nd Paper240
Geography (theoretical) 1st Paper125
Geography (theoretical) 2nd Paper126
Psychology (Theoretical) 1st Paper123
Psychology (Theoretical) 2nd Paper124
Statistics (Theoretical) 1st Paper129
Statistics (Theoretical) 2nd Paper130
Engineering Drawings and Workshop Practices 1st Paper180
Engineering Drawings and Workshop Practice (Theoretical) 2nd Paper Optional-1222
Engineering Drawings and Workshop Practice (Theoretical) 2nd Paper Optional-2182
Engineering Drawings and Workshop Practice (Theoretical) 2nd Paper Optional-3183
Sports (Theoretical) 1st Paper158
Sports (theoretical) 2nd Paper159

HSC Subjects for Humanities Group

HSC humanities have major subjects list and subject code. All students have some strength zone. As so every student cares about HSC subjects for humanities group. Select your Subject according to your interest and strength. So why waiting to start your next journey with your dream subject.

Compulsory Subjects For Humanity Group (Any Three Subjects)

From the compulsory subject list of humanities, the group takes any three or four subjects as a compulsory subject. Her you can also get all compulsory subject code and subject list. Take your loving and favorite subject as a major subject. One this is that the compulsory subject result helps you more in the higher education.

Subject Name1st Paper2nd Paper
History, or Islamic History and Culture  
Islamic History and Culture267268
Civics and good governance 1st Paper269270
Sociology or social work  
Sociology 117118
Social Work 271272
Geography (theoretical)125126
Logic 121122

Optional Subjects For Humanity Group

Optional subject is here to help one student make a good result. As usual, all students want to take the easiest subject. Because the easiest subject help to make a good result. On the other hand, the compulsory subject should be your favorite subject. It may help you the next higher education. Hey, don’t be worry, I am not trying to tell you an optional subject is not like that. Yes, you can do your next label education one of your optional subjects. Here is the all optional subject list of the humanities group. And subject code of optional humanities group subjects.

Subject Name1st Paper2nd Paper
Civics and good governance269270
Economy 109110
Geography (theoretical) 125126
Logic 121122
Social Science117118
Social Work271272
History 304305
Islamic History and Culture267268
Islamic Study249250
Psychology (Theoretical) 123124
Statistics (Theoretical)129130
Agriculture Education 239240
Soil Science (Theoretical)288289
Home economics273274
Arts and crafts (Theoretical)225226
Classical Music (Theoretical)218219
Arabic or Pali or culture  
Arabic 133134
Sanskrit 137138
Pali 149150
Short Music (Theoretical)216217
Higher Math265266
Sports (Theoretical)(For BKSP students only)158159

HSC Subjects for Commerce Group

HSC subjects for commerce group and subject code. The Commerce group is one of the demanded groups in the present group. All kind of business strategy depends on the business group.

Compulsory Subjects For Business Studies Group

For the Business group of the HSC subjects list and the subject code. Take any three as a major subject and one as an optional subject. Otherwise from the compulsory subject list take three subjects as compulsory subjects. And take one for the optional subject. Afterward, take a look compulsory subject list and commerce group subject code.

Subject Name1st Paper2nd Paper
Accounting 253254
Economy 109110
Business Organization and Management or Finance, Banking, and Insurance  
Business Organization and Management277278
Finance, Banking, and Insurance292293

Optional Subjects For Business Studies Group

Optional subjects for the HSC business group and the subject code. In detail the optional subject list of business group students. The subjects below, it is the options you have. Below the optional subject, you have many options for choosing your favorite subject.

Subject Name1st Paper2nd Paper
Business Organization and Management277278
Finance, Banking, and Insurance292293
Statistics (Theoretical)129130
Geography (theoretical)125126
Agriculture Education (Theoretical) 239240
Home economics 273274
HSC Optional Subject List With Subject Code

Finally, here, we have some options to select the exception from the other. Here are some interesting subjects over there. If you are want something thinks about it out of the box. Then here you are welcome to do like that new things. There are all the subjects are optional subjects. The optional subject list and the subject code are given below.

Subject Name1st paper2nd paper
Home-management and child-rearing and family relations (theoretical) 197198
Home management and family life282283
Production Management and Marketing286287
General Science and Food and Nutrition Science (Theoretical)[Chemistry, Biological]192,193194
Food and Nutrition 279280
Practical Art and Garments and Textile (Theoretical)255256
Practical arts and apparel184185
Child Development298299

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